How do I place an order?
The best way to place an order is to shoot us an e-mail, call the staff member you are working with or call us at 866-772-9352.
Every job we do is custom so we have found this method to work much better than generic on-line ordering. Specials come up every day and offers for free set-ups, no charge second color or second side imprints, etc. come across our desks nearly every hour. We want to make sure each of our clients is getting the absolute most for their money. A personal order-by-order custom process is by far the best way to go.
Are there Set-up charges?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Often, when there are not, it’s because of our robust vendor relationships and because we straight-up know what we are doing. Many vendors offer the exact same product so by using Q Group/ClearMedia you can be assured that you will be getting the very best value possible. For example, if we know that Vendor A has your exact same product shown from Vendor B for less or that Vendor A has a more favorable shipping location (FOB) then we can and will save you money.
If there are Set-up fees we will be right up front with you about them and if there are any repeat order fees we will let you know.
Do I have to pay sales tax?
Q Group, Inc. is Oregon based where there is no sales tax. Therefore, in most cases you will not be charged any sales tax. If you are located in California we are required to charge a sales use tax unless you can provide us with a valid resale license. We follow the law at all times and if you are not in California you will not be charged sales tax.
What if I receive my order and I'm not happy? Is there a guarantee?
Yes, everything we do is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. We will do everything humanly possible to ensure that your order is completed exactly as you expected. We will always do our best to make you happy!